Scripture Reading - Luke 2:1-5 KJV

1 And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.
2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)
3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.
4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)
5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.

There seems to be a continuous debate over whether people should pay “taxes”. The correct answer is “Yes”. The simple truth of the matter is that “taxing” started when people groups united centuries ago. When a nation needed more revenue “taxation” was the general practice that was used to generate more income. Thus, the term we use here in America is “Income Taxes” which mean two things: The first is that “taxation” is based upon the income of the individual and/or family, secondly the “taxes” received by the government is a source of income for the workers of that nation. We all know that “taxes” can be used to fund some ungodly endeavors but generally speaking “taxes” are used to do some really good things. To fund (provide income to) the soldiers that protect this nation is a good thing and very godly. To help provide a decent lifestyle for those who return from battle in serving this country is also godly. Yes, even paying taxes for the local schools in your area to benefit the children of the community is godly too. Therefore paying “taxes” is a good thing when done with the right attitude. The example shown in the scripture speaks of all the people under the leadership of Caesar Augustus being “taxed”. The “taxation” imposed on his citizens included not only paying the financial “tax” but also incurring the necessary time and expenses attached to traveling back to your native country. We do complain sometimes here in America for paying a certain amount of “taxes” but we need to be more thankful that we don’t have to travel to our original birth place to pay them. We can understand that Joseph was a godly man who desired to do what was right before God and man. This is known by his demonstration of obedience to the governing authorities and his selection by God to help train up the most godly seed, Jesus, the Son of God. We also would like to note that no mention was made of Mary complaining about the “taxation” even though her time of delivery was at hand. These verses should inspire us to joyfully pay our “taxes” because this portion of our income may be a source of income to someone in need. Paying “taxes” is ordained by God to provide for those who work for the government. Since it is wise to pray for all those in authority over this nation it is just as important to add some works to your prayers by paying your proper share of “taxes”. The attitude you show toward doing what is right will be the chief indicator if you really love God or money. Remember we cannot serve two masters so when you show your love for God don’t let the payment of “taxes” cloud your vision of God. This means paying “taxes” is only one part of your stewardship unto God so pay them peaceful without reservation because you understand that your Heavenly Father has more than enough to provide for your needs while He uses the income from “taxes” to provide for others. We (ihlcc) try to stay away from the thought of the government wasting our money because the truth is, “Any money we have was given to us from another, so we count all money as a resource to be circulated in doing God’s Will upon the earth”. Yes, paying “taxes” is God’s ordained Will according to Romans 13:7 NKJV so let it be your will too executed in joy and peace because we are thankful for the nation and land God gave us here in America. Amen!